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 RedBull {Gm Application}

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Ultra Newbie
Ultra Newbie

Number of posts : 1
Age : 33
In Game Name(s) : RedBull, OneChance
Thanks : 0
Registration date : 2009-07-11

RedBull {Gm Application} Empty
PostSubject: RedBull {Gm Application}   RedBull {Gm Application} I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 11, 2009 12:32 pm

Name: Stephen Haul

Gender: Male

Have you Played Maplestory: Yes I was a 50 Bandit on Scania and a 53 Cleric on Yellonde.

Experience: I have played private servers for 1 year now and I have been a gm on Tard Ms and Tios Stroy.

Location: Nova Scotia, Canada

Why Should I Be Excepted: I believe that you should accept me because I am an experienced gm, I help people who are new to the private server type of gaming and I help their gaming experience become enjoyable. Also I am very active and I am always eager to get on right when I get home from school. i have recently voted for the server and I hope to see more people joining Overcome Ms.
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