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 benezer's GM Application.

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Ultra Newbie
Ultra Newbie

Number of posts : 1
Age : 28
In Game Name(s) : ViceRoyLite
Thanks : 0
Registration date : 2009-07-07

benezer's GM Application. Empty
PostSubject: benezer's GM Application.   benezer's GM Application. I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 10:23 am

Name: Ebenezer Poon

Gender: Male

Have you Played Maplestory: Yes I was a Level 132 Night Lord in Maplesea , Aquila

Experience?: Yes , I was a GM on Kissms and know how to host events and such. I also know that I should never give other players items no matter what.

Location: South East Asia , Singapore ( GMT + 8 )

Why Should We Accept: You should accept me as I have had past gm experience and I have a different time zone from the other GMs ( I think ) so that when other GMs are offline , I could be online and that equals to nearly 24 hours of protection against hackers. I would also like to state that I am fluent in both Chinese and Engish . I would also not mind going online to use a online translator ( google translator )to cater to players that need help but do not know how to speak english . I am also a fun loving person and likes meeting new people.I can be online for about 4-6 hours a day but I'm not going to lie that if I have urgent matters to attend to , I will not hesitate to log off immediately. I will however , inform the person that this concerns that I have to attend to something urgent. I could help out test new things and would abide by the rules .I would also vote for the server everyday and introduce this server to the rest of my friends. Lastly , I would like to thank you for reading this rather long GM Application . ( Hopefully not falling asleep halfway Very Happy )

Thank you.
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