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 Alexandra's Application

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Ultra Newbie
Ultra Newbie

Number of posts : 1
Age : 31
In Game Name(s) : Alexandra
Thanks : 0
Registration date : 2009-07-05

Alexandra's Application Empty
PostSubject: Alexandra's Application   Alexandra's Application I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 2:48 pm

Name: Alexandra

Gender: Female

Have you Played Maplestory: Well, I used to play at gMS but I got bored so I moved to private servers.
Been playing on private servers for a quite long while, since OdinMS was the only server. ( I played there, a level 84 or something bandit, and an assassin later on, quite same level.)

Experience?: Well, I've been a GM on a server, also I've been with the private servers for a quite long while, so yes. I'm experienced, I can say.

Location: Finland, Europe (gmt +2 )

Why Should We Accept: I love to help people, I'm also nice and I can behave + speak english quite well.
Please, consider it. I already love the server, even though I've been here for a day soon. <3

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