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 Roflmao's GM application

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Ultra Newbie
Ultra Newbie

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Age : 34
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Registration date : 2009-06-22

Roflmao's GM application Empty
PostSubject: Roflmao's GM application   Roflmao's GM application I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 12:09 am

Okay, first of all this is on Ryan's account he told me to use his because my account wasn't working on forums.
Do you have a character on maplestory?: Yes i do, IGN: SinforLiife on Scania

Do you have experience as a GM?: Yep, i've been GM of over 6 different servers

Are you a good java / sql coder?: No, i have no experience coding java files

How would you help our server?: I would ban hacker/help out newbs and try to make myself useful to you(kevin) in any way

Are you new to this stuff?: No actually im quite advanced, but like i said, im no coder Razz

Well thats all i could think of right now, :X if you want to, you could go on and ask me questions about stuff (IGN:Roflmao)

(edit, Age:15)
(edit, i know the GM commands for average v62 server)
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