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 Roarzerzzz's GM app

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Ultra Newbie
Ultra Newbie

Number of posts : 1
Age : 34
In Game Name(s) : Roarzerzzz
Thanks : 0
Registration date : 2009-07-13

Roarzerzzz's GM app Empty
PostSubject: Roarzerzzz's GM app   Roarzerzzz's GM app I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 2:33 pm

Name: My name is Ryan, [GM]Ryan told me to change my name =O

Age: I am 14 years old.

Gender: Male

Location: New Jersey, I've lived here all my life even in the same house.

Experience: I was a 74 CB in windia and a 31 Ice/lightning in mardia also a 47 Page in mardia

IGN: Roarzerzzz [omgod best IGN everrrr]

How long have you been playing OverComeMS?
I've actually only been playing for about a week but I've met people and friends with a lot of people and i like the community because its really fun.

Any previous experience (for whatever you're applying for)? Proof please.
I was GM in a server called BalleMS and i was there for about a month [all time being GM] so it was good practice.

Roarzerzzz's GM app Maple0000 (26)

If you wish to contact me i have an MSN its DarkSkizzle@live.com
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