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 No, Not Yet, It's Too Early!

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Godly Player
Godly Player

Number of posts : 75
Age : 28
Location : In My Room Typing O.o
In Game Name(s) : Drake
Thanks : 0
Registration date : 2009-05-19

No, Not Yet, It's Too Early! Empty
PostSubject: No, Not Yet, It's Too Early!   No, Not Yet, It's Too Early! I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 13, 2009 2:37 am

It may not seem early for you guys, but for me, this is the longest I've ever been able to stay on a server. ( 2 months ftw lol.. ) They all usually go down after a month or so. And according to kevin.. it's looking like OC might heard there too. I for one don't want that to happen.

And if you don't want it to happen, you gotta prove to Kevin, OC is worth keeping. WE all need to do our share, be active, vote, give suggestions to make the server better _COUGH

I know I might be repeating myself, but I love this server, and it's a damn good one too.

So, if you're with me in keeping OC alive.. Not only reply, But Vote, Be active, take the time to make OC better!

This server was made for people to be happy, so lets keep it that way!
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No, Not Yet, It's Too Early!
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